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Spiritual Audit Quiz for Catholic Medical Professionals

Because sometimes, we need to pause and care for ourselves.


Take a few moments to prayerfully reflect on each question. Answer honestly to gauge your spiritual well-being and the integration of your faith with your professional life.

1. Prayer Life:

  • How often do you begin your day with prayer?

    • A) Daily

    • B) A few times a week

    • C) Occasionally

    • D) Rarely/Never

  • Do you pray for your patients, colleagues, and the decisions you make at work?

    • A) Regularly

    • B) Sometimes

    • C) Rarely

    • D) Never

2. Sacramental Life:

  • How frequently do you attend Mass?

    • A) Daily

    • B) Weekly

    • C) Monthly

    • D) Rarely/Never

  • Do you receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly?

    • A) Monthly

    • B) A few times a year

    • C) Annually

    • D) Rarely/Never

3. Ethical Decision-Making:

  • Do you seek guidance from Church teachings when facing ethical dilemmas in your practice?

    • A) Always

    • B) Often

    • C) Sometimes

    • D) Never

  • How do you approach difficult decisions that challenge your moral and ethical values?

    • A) I consult Church teachings and pray for guidance.

    • B) I discuss with a priest or spiritual advisor.

    • C) I make the decision based on my own judgment.

    • D) I struggle and often feel uncertain.

4. Service and Compassion:

  • Do you see your work as a vocation and an opportunity to serve Christ in your patients?

    • A) Always

    • B) Often

    • C) Sometimes

    • D) Rarely

  • How often do you take extra time to provide compassionate care, even when it’s not required?

    • A) Always

    • B) Often

    • C) Sometimes

    • D) Rarely

5. Balancing Faith and Work:

  • How well do you manage the balance between your professional responsibilities and your spiritual life?

    • A) I have a healthy balance and make time for both.

    • B) I try, but it’s challenging.

    • C) I often prioritize work over my spiritual life.

    • D) I rarely think about the balance.

  • Do you participate in any faith-based groups or activities related to your profession?

    • A) Yes, regularly

    • B) Occasionally

    • C) Rarely

    • D) Never

6. Faith and Family:

  • How do you incorporate your faith into your family life?

    • A) We pray and attend Mass together regularly.

    • B) We sometimes pray and discuss faith matters.

    • C) We rarely talk about faith.

    • D) Faith is not a significant part of our family life.

  • How supportive is your family in your professional and spiritual journey?

    • A) Very supportive

    • B) Somewhat supportive

    • C) Neutral

    • D) Not supportive


  • Based on your answers, where do you feel most confident in your spiritual life?

  • Where do you feel there is room for growth?

  • What steps can you take to better integrate your faith with your professional life?

Closing Prayer:

  • End the audit with a prayer asking for God’s guidance and strength as you strive to live out your faith in your medical practice.

We keep you all in our prayers! -The MaterCare Team

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