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Empowering Lives Through Faith & Practice

At MaterCare International, we are dedicated to serving communities worldwide through our maternal health initiatives. Our Projects focus on providing essential resources and support to women and families in need, spreading hope and compassion.

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MaterCare International (MCI) is an organization of Catholic health professionals dedicated to the care of mothers and babies. MCI’s mission is to carry out the work of Evangelium Vitae (the Gospel of Life) by improving the lives and health of mothers and babies, both born and unborn, through new initiatives of service, training, research, and advocacy designed to reduce the tragic levels of abortion world-wide and maternal and perinatal mortality, morbidity in developing countries.  



Heavenly Father, You sent your only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, into this world as a child born of woman. 


Send your Holy Spirit upon all members and friends of MaterCare International.


May we see in every woman with child, an image of your Holy Mother, Mary Immaculate and, in every child, from the moment of their conception, the image of Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. 


Give us the Holy Virtues, especially compassion, prudence, wisdom and mercy, so that we may serve you worthily in them. 


Bind us together in the bond of love in this mission, so that the Gospel of Life may be proclaimed and practiced throughout the world. 


We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


The MaterCare Prayer

News & Events


This idea for a Catholic obstetrical group was first presented at a plenary meeting of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, “Cor Unum” in the Vatican in 1982. In 1986, an international meeting of Catholic health care professionals was convened at a retreat centre in Rome. The 15 member group assembled included; a Ghanaian Bishop, the superior general of a medical religious congregation, the president of the Canadian Catholic Health Association and doctors and midwives from all of the continents. The mission documents were formulated for would lead to the formation of MCI some years later.

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"As maternal health care providers, we believe it is our responsibility to offer an alternative to a choice-based consumer culture that prizes wealth and power over inherent value and dignity. We acknowledge that people are shaped by their surroundings. Our focus is to surround women and children with an alternative perspective of life based on community, charity and potentiality. Mothers deserve to be at the centre of our discussions and acknowledgements about womanhood."

-Dr. Robert L. Walley

Dr. Robert Walley passed peacefully away June 22nd, 2020. 

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